Discover the Power of Engaging ABC Bible Lessons for Preschoolers.

Engage Young Hearts and Minds with ABC Bible Lessons
As parents and educators of little learners, we are given an important job of guiding preschoolers in learning about God, teaching them how to pray, and memorizing His word. One effective method that combines learning with fun is through ABC Bible lessons. By incorporating the alphabet into biblical teachings, we can engage young hearts and minds, making the learning experience enjoyable and memorable.
“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” -Proverbs 3:5-6

Why Choose ABC Bible Lessons for Preschoolers?
ABC Bible lessons for preschoolers provide interactive and engaging activities that capture their attention. Through crafts, songs, and games, children actively participate in the learning process, reinforcing their understanding and retention of biblical concepts.
Here is a Bible unit to go with each letter of the alphabet. I teach all of my uppercase letters before Christmas; therefore, I wanted to stay with mostly Old Testament stories, only deviating if it was a virtue. Wanting to stay in chronological order of the Bible during the school year, I like to get to Jesus’ birth by Christmas and then talk about his life until Easter. You can find my Bible verse crowns, flashcards, and rainbow writing resources on my TPT store here.
I recently updated this TPT product. Mostly, updating the clipart and giving it a refresh. I did change two letters, C and S. First, I changed C because the word was commandments however, using this product in my own class I noticed that it was a bit confusing so I changed the letter C to Cactus and used the Bible verse, “I will make plants grow in the desert” Isaiah 41:19. Second, the other change was the letter S to stars instead of Shepherd because of the SH sound. The new Bible verse is, “He counts the stars and calls them by name.” Psalm 147:4.
How to Create Effective ABC Bible Lessons for Preschoolers
- Incorporate Hands-On Activities Engage children in hands-on activities that reinforce the lessons. Crafts, such as creating these Bible headbands, enhance their understanding and creativity while providing a tangible reminder of the lesson. Plus these headbands give parents something to talk about when they pick up their children.
- Integrate Music and Songs Preschoolers love to sing and dance! Integrate catchy songs and rhymes into your ABC Bible lessons. This not only makes the learning experience enjoyable but also helps children remember key concepts and verses effortlessly.
- Use Visual Aids and Props Visual aids, such as colorful posters, flashcards, and puppets, bring the Bible stories to life and captivate young imaginations. Props can be used to represent characters or objects from the stories, enhancing the children’s engagement and understanding.
Letter A: Apple

The Bible Story: Adam and Eve, Genesis 3
The Bible Verse: “Keep me as the apple of your eye.” Psalm 17:8
Fun Ideas: I have an apple peeler-corer-slicer. The kind that hooks to the table and cuts the apple into a long spiral. I have each child bring in an apple and we compare them and graph the colors. Then, we spin them for a treat. I have also seen teachers have an apple party where the kids bring in different flavored apple treats (apple juice, apple pie, apple-flavored cereal, etc).
Music: Oh Be Careful Little Eyes, Apples, and Bananas, Way Up High in the Apple Tree
Letter B: Be kind

The Bible Story: The Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12, Luke 6:20-26
The Bible Verse: “How sweet are your words to my taste?” Psalm 119:103
Fun Ideas: You can have the kids make homemade butter, so easy (heavy cream, a pinch of salt in a glass jar, and shake). I do advise that you only use one bigger jar and take turns shaking. I tried making individual jars in baby food containers and the kid’s interests were over in 3 minutes so my assistant and I were shaking all of the jars. It would be much easier to pass around one or two jars and take turns shaking while you read the Bible story. You can have a snack of bread (I did bring my bread maker to school once), butter, and honey.
Music: I Am Free as a Bee – Hillsong Kids, Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee
Letter C: Commandments

The Bible Story: The Commandments -Exodus 19
The Bible Verse: “And the Lord called upon Moses and gave him commandments.” Exodus 19:9
Fun Ideas: Set up a fake campfire in the middle of circle time to tell the Bible story, start the story with the Egyptians camping at the base of Mount Sinai and the clouds covering the mountain.
Music: This is My Commandment – Cedarmont kids
Letter D: Donuts

The Bible Story: Luke 11:2-4 The Lord’s prayer
The Bible Verse: “Do not forget to pray.” Ephesians 6:19
Fun Ideas: We like to do a detective hunt for real donuts. I have a box of sunglasses and magnifying glasses (I have a fake nose and mustache one for me) We place manilla envelopes to leave clues around the school that lead us to a box of donuts.
Music: Read Your Bible and Pray Everyday, Jesus in the Morning – Wonderkids
Letter E: Earth

The Bible Story: In the Beginning and the seven days of creation. -Genesis 1:1-25
The Bible Verse: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1
Fun Ideas: Make a collage of items to represent each day of the Bible story; cotton balls for the clouds, star stickers, etc.
Music: He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands – Cedarmont Kids, In the Beginning – Wonderkids
Letter F: Fruit

The Bible Story: Fruit of the Spirit -Galations 5:22
The Bible Verse: “The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians 5:22
Fun Ideas: You can have the children each bring in a fruit and make a fruit salad. I like to bring in my juicer and make fresh juice.
Music: Fruit of the Spirit – Uncle Charlie
Letter G: Grass

The Bible Story: David as a Shepherd boy -Psalms 136
The Bible Verse: “The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of God stands forever.” Isaiah 40:8
Fun Ideas: Have the children lay in the grass to listen to the Bible story.
Music: Green Grass Grows all Around (this song also works for the letters N and T)
Letter H: House

The Bible Story: The wise man built his house Matthew 7:24-29
The Bible Verse: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15
Fun Ideas: Put out different blocks and have the children build a house before you read the Bible story. After you are done reading the story have them look and see if they made a sturdy house or a weak house. Or you can build two houses in a plastic container with sand and rocks and add water so the sand house falls down. (Science lesson too!)
Music: Come and Go With Me to my Father’s House, The Wise Man Built his House Upon the Rocks
Letter I: Islands

The Bible Story: The Promised Land -Deuteronomy 34
The Bible Verse: “Sing a new song to the Lord! Sing his praises from the ends of the earth! Sing all you who sail the seas, and all you who live on distant Islands.” Isaiah 42:10
Fun Ideas: I is a tricky letter to find a good lesson in the Bible that is also fun. You can have an ice cream treat or you can make an island treat with blue jello, crushed vanilla wafers and a mini umbrella.
Music: Oh the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
Letter J: Jericho

The Bible Story: Joshua 6: 1-25
The Bible Verse: “The Lord spoke to Joshua and said ‘I have given you the city of Jericho.’ ” Joshua 6:1
Fun Ideas: I have the kids build a wall structure in the middle of circle time. I give everyone some musical instruments and we walk around. I say “Freeze, go to sleep” and they fall to the ground and pretend to sleep, then I say “Wake up” and they get up and start marching again. We do this seven times. On the last time, I count to seven and then I knock the walls down. (I haven’t found a way to make them fall down by themselves yet)
Music: Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho – Wonderkids
Letter K: Kites

The Bible Story: David’s fears -Psalm 56
The Bible Verse: ” The Lord lifts me up!” Psalm 3:3
Fun Ideas: Make paper kites and go outside and try to fly them. You can write the children’s fears on them.
Music: I Get Down (and he lifts me up) – Audio Adrenaline, Lord I Lift Your Name on High
Letter L: Light

The Bible Story: Shine your light for Jesus. Matthew 5:14-16
The Bible Verse: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105
Fun Ideas: Turn all the lights off in the classroom and shine a flashlight (not a phone light, an actual flashlight). Read the Bible story by flashlight and then have the children try to get in the light as you shine it around the room.
Music: This Little Light of Mine – Raffi, Give Me Oil For My Lamp
Letter M: Moses

The Bible Story: Baby Moses- Exodus 2:1-10, The Burning Bush- Exodus 3:1-10, The Red Sea- Exodus 14
The Bible Verse: “But Moses said to God ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Isrealites out of Egypt?’ “
Fun Ideas: Get two blue plastic tablecloths from the dollar store and have someone stand across from you. Each of you holds the top corner of both tablecloths. They will be hanging on the ground looking like a “parted sea”. Allow each child to come into the middle of the “sea” and ask them if they are an Israelite or an Egyptian, then either close the “sea” on them or let them cross.
Music: Let My People Go – The Christian Children’s Choir
Letter N: Nest

The Bible Story: Matthew 6:25-27
The Bible Verse: “Does the eagle soar at your command and build his nest on high?” Job 39:27
Fun Ideas: Go on a walk and look for birds and nests while you read the Bible story.
Music: Way Up in the Sky, Every Move I Make – Shout Praises Kids (the NaNa song)
Letter O: Owl

The Bible Story: Proverbs 23:12
The Bible Verse: “Blessed are those who find wisdom, and those who seek understanding.” Proverbs 3:13
Fun Ideas: Make a list of all the wise things the kids know. Maybe it’s how to tie their shoes, or how to spell their name, or maybe they can name a dinosaur. Talk about how they are becoming wiser all the time.
Music: A Wise Old Owl Nursery Rhyme
Letter P: Popcorn

The Bible Story: Psalm 150
The Bible Verse: “Praising God, no matter what pops up!” Philippians 4:6
Fun Ideas: Have a praise and popcorn party while you tell the Bible story.
Music: Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah – The Christian Children’s choir, Throw Up Song – High Voltage Kids
Letter Q: Queen Esther

The Bible Story: The book of Esther
The Bible Verse: “Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.” Esther 4:14
Fun Ideas: We have always had a “QU” wedding, but I wanted to do something to go more with Queen Esther. This year we will have a Queen Esther party. You can find Purim Ideas online or watch the Veggietales Esther movie.
Music: For Such is a Time as This, The Battle is Not Ours – Veggietales
Letter R: Rainbows

The Bible Story: Noah’s ark- Genesis 6-9
The Bible Verse: “I set my rainbow in the clouds.” Genesis 9:13
Fun Ideas: Hang steamers on the classroom door so every time you enter the room, the class walks through a rainbow. You can also do a “make it float” activity at your water table. Have the children try to build a boat out of recycled plastic water bottles. Add toy animals and see how many animals they can add before the boat sinks.
Music: A to Z With Noah, Who Built the Ark, Noah’s Arky Arky, Rainbow Connection
Letter S: Shepherd

The Bible Story: Psalm 23
The Bible Verse: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters. He refreshes my soul.” Psalm 23:1
Fun Ideas: Count out together as a group 99 cotton balls. Explain that you had 100, one is lost and you need help finding the lost one. Have the children try to find the “hidden” cotton ball. Another activity you can do is draw sheep on ping pong balls and have the children try to herd them into an area.
Music: The Lord is My Shepherd – Wee Sing, I’ve Got Peace Like a River
Letter T: Trees

The Bible Story: David Praises the Lord- Psalms 71
The Bible Verse: “Let the trees of the forest sing joy before the Lord.” 1 Chronicles 16:33
Fun Ideas: You can do tree or leaf rubbings, tape a piece of paper to a tree and have the children rub a crayon on the paper.
Music: I’ve got the Joy, Joy, Joy Down in my Heart – The Christian Children’s Choir
Letter U: Umbrella

The Bible Story: The Story of Job
The Bible Verse: “There will be showers of blessings.” Ezekiel 34:26
Fun Ideas: Each child can bring an umbrella to school and you can go on an umbrella walk.
Music: Count Your Blessings – The Wonder Kids
Letter V: Vegetables

The Bible Story: Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar- Daniel 1
The Bible Verse: “”Please give us vegetables and water for 10 days” Daniel 1:12
Fun Ideas: Have a veggie tasting party, similar to the fruit party. You can have each child bring in a veggie to share. Be sure to have some ranch dressing for the pickier eaters.
Music: Oh No, What Are We Gonna Do – Veggietales
Letter W: Whale

The Bible Story: Jonah and the whale- Jonah 1:1-15
The Bible Verse: “The Lord prepared a whale to swallow Jonah.” Jonah 1:17
Fun Ideas: Use blue solo cups and attach a string and a little paper Jonah to the end of the string. The children can try to get Jonah into the cup. Have some goldfish crackers as a snack.
Music: Who Did Swallow Jonah? – The Wonder Kids
Letter X: Examine

The Bible Story: Ask, Seek, Knock- Matthew 7: 7-12
The Bible Verse: “Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord.” Lamentations 3:40
Fun Ideas: Put a few objects on a cookie tray and cover it. Quietly remove one object, uncover and see if they can figure out what is missing.
Music: Ask, Seek, Knock. – The Wonder Kids
Letter Y: You

The Bible Story: Masterpiece- Ephesians 2:8-10
The Bible Verse: “You are God’s masterpiece.” Ephesians 2:10
Fun Ideas: Have the children draw a self portrait
Music: My God is So Big – Go Fish, Jesus Loves the Little Children
Letter Z: Zion

The Bible Story: Zion Jeremiah 21:6
The Bible Verse: “As for me, I have set my king on Zion, my holy hill.” Psalm 2:6
Fun Ideas: Bring in a small step stool and have each child take turns standing on the stool. Have them look out over the classroom. (I wrote a whole Blog Post about Step stools in the classroom, you can find it here.)
Music: We’re Marching to Zion, Little Life – Hillsong kids, Marching Melody – Kid’s Choir
Unlocking the Joy of ABC Bible Lessons for Preschoolers
ABC Bible lessons for preschoolers offer a unique and effective way to introduce young children to the wonders of God’s Word. By incorporating the alphabet into biblical teachings, we can create a learning experience that is engaging, interactive, and impactful. Through relevant stories, hands-on activities, music, and visual aids, children not only develop fundamental language skills but also deepen their understanding of biblical concepts.
I hope you enjoy these ABC Bible lessons for preschoolers. Below you will find resources that complement these Bible lesson plans. Check out my Teachers Pay Teachers bundle that provides headbands, flashcards, rainbow writing, and a bonus file of Alphabet letters to hang on your bulletin board.
Corresponding Printables
Check out my Bible Verse Crowns Download here.
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These ABC Bible lessons are adorable! And so unique! My son would love letter “J” since his name is Jericho! Haha!